A list of Requirements and Conditions for the Publication of Articles in Scientific Journal «Transbaikal State University Journal»
1. Rules for publishing articles in the journal
1.1. The material proposed for publication must be original, not previously published in other printed publications. If an article is sent in parallel to another journal, and the author does not warn the editor-in-chief about this, the editors reserve the right to terminate further cooperation with the author for an indefinite period.
1.2. The volume of the article should not exceed 1 a. l. = 40 thousand characters (including spaces and taking into account all footnotes), including illustrations (1 illustration with a format of 190 × 270 mm is 1/6 of the author’s sheet, or 6.7 thousand characters). The article is typed in Microsoft Office Word. Font – Times New Roman, size – 14 pt, line spacing – 1.5. Format – A4. Do NOT put hyphenations in the content of the article!
1.3. The editorial board reserves the right to scientific and literary editing of articles without changing the scientific content of the author’s version. The author is responsible for the accuracy of reproduction of names, quotes, formulas, and numbers.
1.4. The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject an article that does not comply with the List of Requirements.
1.5. The editors of the scientific journal “Transbaikal State University Journal” carry out independent review of art5cles. An article sent to the author for revision must be returned to the editors within 10 days, otherwise it will be rejected. The revised version of the article is reviewed and reviewed again.
1.6. The editors check submitted research materials in the Antiplagiat system (info@antiplagiat.ru). The originality of the text, in accordance with Order No. 413 of Decehttps://perviy-vestnik.ru/udc/mber 15, 2021 “On checking the volume of borrowings, including content, identifying unauthorized borrowings of texts of works performed at ZabSU”), must be at least 75% (borrowings, as well as self-citations, in the text should not exceed 20 %).
1.7. The editors will send, at the author’s request, a certificate in PDF format, if there is a positive review from the editor-in-chief, about the publication for reporting to the GRANTOR (in this case, a draft certificate in Word format must be attached along with the request).
1.8. The following documents are required for publication in the journal:
a) an anti-plagiarism test report;
b) an expert opinion on the possibility of publishing an article in the open press for 2.8.9. Mineral processing (technical sciences) (scanned copy).
1.9. Graduate students are published ONLY in collaboration with their supervisor.
2. Completeness and form of provision of copyright copies.
2.1. Contents of the article and general rules for its design.
Contents of the article and general rules for its design
– code and name of the scientific specialty;
– UDC;
– first name, patronymic, last name of the author (co-authors) (in full) (in Russian and English);
– affiliation of the author (co-authors) (in full) (in Russian and English);
– title of the article (in Russian and English);
– abstract – 200–250 words (in Russian and English). The abstract should reflect: relevance, object, purpose of work; objectives, methodology and methods, results; conclusion. Based on the abstract, the reader should determine whether it is worth accessing the full text of the article to obtain more detailed information of interest to him.
– key words and phrases separated by a comma – at least 10 (in Russian and English);
– gratitude – information about research funding, grants, gratitude, is placed after the keywords in Russian and English.
– the main part. The text of the article should have the following structure: introduction, relevance, object, subject, purpose, objectives, methodology and research methods, development of the topic, research results, conclusions.
– list of resources:
- It is necessary to compile at least 15 sources in alphabetical order (no more than 5 years ago) (GOST R7.0.5-2008).
- References to sources in the text of the article should be formatted in square brackets in accordance with the numbering in the list of references.
- The list of references should contain only scientific literature (monographs, articles, dissertations, abstracts of dissertations).
- Textbooks, teaching aids, methodological recommendations, workshops, encyclopedias, dictionaries, archival sources, fiction, constitution, laws, legal documents, reports, maps, atlases, etc. are presented in the form of subtextual footnotes.
- You are allowed to include no more than two of your own scientific publications in the list of references.
- The list must contain at least two sources in a foreign language.
- It is also NECESSARY to duplicate the entire reference list into the reference (for foreign databases);
– information about the author (authors): last name, first name, patronymic, academic degree, academic title, position held, place of work, city, country (in Russian and English), e-mail, ORCID;
– scientific interests of the author (authors) (in Russian and English);
– authors’ contribution to the article.
2.2. Requirements for the design of formulas, figures, tables.
Requirements for the design of formulas, figures, tables
Formulas. When using formulas in the text of the article, it is recommended to use Microsoft Equation 3. It is recommended to provide explanations of the meanings of symbols and numerical coefficients directly below the formula in the same sequence in which they are given. Formulas should be numbered sequentially with Arabic numerals in parentheses, for example, A = a:b, (1). References in the text to serial numbers of formulas are written in parentheses, for example, … in formula (1).
Drawings must be made with a resolution of 300 dpi (B&W – for black and white illustrations, Grayscale – for halftones, maximum size of a drawing with an inscription: width 145 mm, height 235 mm); provide in the form of separate files with the extension *.JPG, *.BMP, *.TIFF and printed on A4 paper indicating the file name. Images must be able to move within the text and be resized. Perform diagrams and graphs in the built-in MS Word program or in MS Excel, providing the source file. Drawings should be numbered with Arabic numerals and continuous numbering. If there is only one drawing, it is not numbered. The title of the drawings is provided in Russian and English using a slash (/).
Tables must have thematic and numbered headings and links to them in the text. Thematic headings should reflect their content, be accurate, concise, and placed above the table. Tables should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals. If there is only one table, it is not numbered. The name of the tables and its contents are provided in Russian and English using a slash (/).
Article materials are provided ONLY by email:
For questions regarding the publication of articles, please contact the executive secretary, Irina Vladimirovna Petrova, by phone: (3022) 21-86-38, +7(924)385-68-01. E-mail: VestnikZabGU@yandex.ru
Template for the article in Russian
Template design of an article in English
Template design of an article in Chinese
References for foreign authors
The editors do not provide the authors with a printed copy of the journal. After publication, the electronic version of the journal is sent to the authors by e-mail.