Article name Antimony oxide form enrichment line оn the example of the «Zhipkhosha» field
Authors Bogidaev S.. doctor of technical sciences, professor, researcher,
Bibliographic description
Category Earth science
DOI 622.765.061
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2021-27-5-36-43
Article type
Annotation The antimony industry in the Russian Federation is currently experiencing difficult times. The main enterprise that produces and enriches antimony today is GeoProMining LLC, which owns a processing plant at the Syralakhskoye field (Yakutia), where the ore of the Sentanchansky field is processed, production on a smaller scale is carried out in the Krasnoyarsk Territory at the Udereyskoye field of the Novoangarsky GOK, and associated production is carried out at the Olympiadinsky GOK from the tailings of the gold-antimony ore enrichment. Many fields are not being developed at all. The reason for this is the profitability of the development and processing of antimony deposits, due to the low price of metal and the difficulty of obtaining conditioned concentrates due to the presence of metal oxide forms in antimony-containing deposits. Oxide forms of metal in deposits occur in the form of lenses and films, which complicates the enrichment (extraction) of such metal due to the lack of methods and methods or the high cost of processing. The article presents the relevance of the problem of extraction and processing of antimony ores. The reagent-collector of antimony oxide forms KCSb is presented and, based on its application, the parameters of flotation ore dressing of the Zhipkhosha deposit are developed, which contributes to a significant increase in metal recovery. It is noted that the use of КCSb is more effective in comparison with other known reagents used for the enrichment of antimony oxides. The results of studies of this collector reagent, when it is introduced into the technological scheme of flotation of antimony oxide forms, are obtained, which indicate the feasibility and effectiveness of its use. This fact is confirmed by a technical and economic calculation, according to which the conditional profit is 30-31 million rubles per 1 million processed ore per year. The increase in the resulting products (concentrate) is about 700-800 tons, with a quality (antimony content) of 32-36 %, corresponding to the KSUF-3 brand. This method is recommended for use in various antimony and antimony-containing deposits containing oxide minerals (from 10 % or more)
Key words flotation enrichment; collecting reagent; antimony oxide; extraction; antimony; Zhipkhosha deposit; conditioned concentrate; kinetics; flotation scheme; development of the scheme
Article information Mikheev G., Bogidaev S. Antimony oxide form enrichment line оn the example of the «Zhipkhosha» field // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2021, vol. 27, no. 5, pp. 36–43. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2021-27-5-36-43.
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Full articleAntimony oxide form enrichment line оn the example of the «Zhipkhosha» field