Article name Germany state policy in the sphere of tourism: state and features of implementation at the present stage
Authors Litsenberg I.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 379.85+323
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-6-77-86
Article type
Annotation Based on the content analysis of the original German-speaking sources, the authors have identified the features of modern German tourism policy. The prerequisites of a reasonable choice of tourism as an object of political analysis are presented. The features of the tourism sector as an object of state policy are considered. The concept of public tourism policy is given. The theoretical and methodological approaches to the formation and implementation of public policy in the field of tourism in certain lands of Germany are analyzed. It is emphasized that in Germany tourism is becoming the object of the closest attention from the state and political forces of the country. The current mechanism of public policy in the field of tourism is described. The place and role of subjects and political players of public policy in the field of tourism in the process of its implementation are presented. An important role in the disclosure of the topic is related to the activities of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy. The grant projects in the field of tourism of this department are characterized. Actualization of the problem of affordable tourism and support for the creation of a nationwide travel system of certification of travel “without barriers” are considered as priority areas. The leading directions of state policy in the field of tourism are presented: “Rural territories”; “Education”, “Barrier-free tourism”, “Health tourism”. In addition to the general scientific methods of cognition traditionally used in the humanities (analysis, synthesis, generalization and systematization of scientific information and factual material), the authors used comparative legal, comparative historical and formal legal methods, systematic and structural-functional analysis, expert assessment techniques and observations. Ultimately, the possibilities of using Germany’s best practices in tourism in Russia were considered
Key words Germany; tourism industry; state tourism policy; priority areas; policy of «quality growth»; political institutions; national projects; actors in the tourism sector; government support; indicators of socio-economic statistics
Article information Antropov R., Antropova N., Litsenberg I., Germany state policy in the sphere of tourism: state and features of implementation at the present stage // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2020, vol. 26, no. 6, pp. 77–86. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-6-77-86.
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Full articleGermany state policy in the sphere of tourism: state and features of implementation at the present stage