Article name Social policy through the prism of gender relations
Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 316.45.47
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-3-53-62
Article type
Annotation The relationship between women and men continues to be the focus of scientific attention. It is their study that is the most important innovative worldview problem. In this article, the authors consider options for strategies in favor of breaking up the established ideas about men and women, their roles, stereotypes, and the formation of new nascent partnerships. The main problem of modern civilization-the suppression of women by men-outlines its solutions is described. In the late 1960s, the popular trend “sexism” appeared. It is considered a significant socio-psychological attitude of society. However, in contrast to sexism, feminism is being formed. Supporters of this trend have no prejudice against representatives of the other sex. The feminist worldview has become a component of the democratic consciousness. The basic idea of feminism is a protest against Patriarchy, the achievement of gender equality as one of the universal principles in the field of human rights. The article is based on the principles of objectivity, integrity, historicism, universal communication and development. General scientific principles, approaches and research methods were also used. The research is based on a gender approach. The term “gender” appeared in the 1970s in the context of studying the differentiation of women’s and men’s social roles. The article shows that in the future, the sphere of gender social reality was considered as the field of relations between the sexes. Therefore, the issue is actively debated both in science and in society. The development of gender relations requires special scientific approaches. Declarations and legal acts are not able to resolve the situation. First of all, it is necessary to change the consciousness of society. Changing gender consciousness is associated with the formation of a new worldview of society, the restoration of the lost dialectic of male and female. This universal problem did not arise suddenly; it was the result of contradictions in social development. It affects the vital interests of every person and is an essential factor in improving modern civilization. The humanization of gender relations requires the efforts of all mankind. Unsolved problems can lead to unsolvable contradictions between a man and a woman. This is a vital task for all people and for each individual. Gender relations are not static, they are constantly changing, and at different times they acquire different significance. The task of scientific thought is to develop an appropriate strategy for their solution, the essence of which is to harmonize the relationship between a man and a woman
Key words social policy; gender relations; men; women; stratification; access to resources; gender role balance; harmony; a new type of relationship; feminism
Article information Romanova N., Romanova I. Social policy through the prism of gender relations // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2020, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 53–62. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-3-53-62.
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