Article name Technogenic geosystems of the Dashkesen region
Bibliographic description
Category Earth science
DOI 577.4/47.924
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-1-80-87
Article type
Annotation Technogenetic features of ore-bearing deposits in Dashkesan district, one of the largest industrial regions of Azerbaijan, have been studied. This region is the largest ore-bearing deposit in Azerbaijan. Extraction of underground resources has led to a complete change in the landscape of adjacent territories. Therefore, the study and restoration of these areas is very important for our republic. On the basis of the cameral and semantic surveys, the basic centers of the technogenic ecosystem separation of the Dashkesan district are defined. To study the degree of change in these ecosystems, it is important to take samples from soil and vegetation, including hydrological sources. From the results of the samples taken, it is clear that the natural landscapes are completely transformed. The soil and vegetation that are present here have lost their original state, and the watersheds have become extremely polluted. One of the most important issues is the prevention of wastewater discharges. It is also very important to carry out recultivation works in order to restore the previous landscape. Iron ore deposits are located in the south and northwest Dashkesen deposit. The Zeylik deposits are Bogotá with Alunites, and Chovdar with golds. Only in Chovdar gold is mined using the mine method. Therefore, natural landscapes have not changed around this field. But the natural landscapes have completely changed around other deposits. To restore technogenic landscapes, special attention must be paid to the restoration of their basic elements. The state itself is interested in restoring these landscapes, and the president issued a decree on their return. The results were compared with the amount of appropriate elements in the regional background. The toxic microelements in the composition of master of laboratory analysis increase and useful microelements decrease in both regions. In order to prevent the tension ecological situation some proposals were offered. The absence of physical physically property in the area indicates the potential for technical and biological recultivation. Take care of all this, it is important to identify and optimize the ecological situation in the district. The main purpose of this work is the replacement of technogenic relief by the agro-cultural landscapes
Key words technogenic geosystem; minerals; soils; plant covers; ecosystem; trace elements; iron ores; metals; recultivation; landscape
Article information Eyubova Z., Gadzhieva G., Gadzhieva A. Technogenic geosystems of the Dashkesen region // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2020, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 80–87. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-1-80-87.
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Full articleTechnogenic geosystems of the Dashkesen region