Article name Formation of economic culture of economic entities by types of economic systems
Bibliographic description Kapitonova N. , Albitova Е. у Kisloschaev Р. Formation of economic culture of economic entities by types of economic systems // Transbaikal State University Journaly 2017y vol. 23, no. 12, pp. 121-133. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2017-23-12-121-133.
Category Economics
DOI 338.2 001
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2017-23-12-121 -133
Article type
Annotation It is noted that at present, the development of digital technologies has led to a revolution in the information space, resulting in the emergence of a new concept - the digital economy. In the article, the formation of digital economy is considered as a part of the economic system, in which the economic culture of economic entities, their levels and forms of adaptation play a leading role. It was revealed that economic and digital cultures are one of the factors of digital transformation in the activities of economic entities. Approaches to the concept of economic culture are explored, and its functions, components, competencies and criteria are defined. Through the system of norms, rules and patterns of economic entities’ behavior, the mechanism of the enterprise’s economic culture is presented, technical, social, and economic subsystems are identified, as well as their components. The characteristic of economic culture of managing subjects through a set of economic relations between economic subjects which arise concerning production, distribution, an exchange and consumption of goods and services, making a system of results of their social and economic activity, is given. Modern views on the types of economic systems of society (traditional, comm and-administrative, transitional, market, mixed, and digital) are analyzed and a typology of the formation of economic culture of economic entities according to the levels and forms of adaptation is proposed. On the basis of this typology, a country analysis was carried out, which highlighted the gradual transition of countries to a new type of economic system - digital economy, characterized by a professional level and active form of adaptation of economic culture of the business entity. The analysis of researches of economists has allowed to present advantages, lacks and distinctive features of digital economy
Key words economic culture; economic culture of entity; economic relations; economic activity; adaptation; digital economy; digital transformation ; macroeconomics; market economy ; technological development
Article information
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Full articleFormation of economic culture of economic entities by types of economic systems