Article name Political analysis in the study of inter-ethnic relations in the Kyrgyzstan republic
Bibliographic description Kaliev A. Political analysis in the study of inter-etnic relations in the Kyrgyzstan Republic // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2017, vol. 23, no. 12, pp. 88-94. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2017-23-12-88-9
Category Politology
DOI 37.018.11
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2017-23-12-88-94
Article type Original article
Annotation Interethnic relations in Kyrgyzstan are analyzed. It is noted that in today’s rapidly developing world interethnic conflicts are especially frequent; as a result, the study of international relations has become the object of scientists’ research all over the world. Using the method of com parati vis tics, the author considers the stages of ideas about interethnic relations development, reflected in the studies of foreign and domestic scientists. It is established that the concepts of ethnos and nations have a universal meaning, but they have a common mythological origin, common history and culture. A political analysis of the Soviet era is given, as a result of which it was revealed that during the Soviet era there was an interethnic language of communication, and the country possessed one whole territory and universal culture. It is shown that after the disintegration of the Soviet era and acquisition of sovereignty, beginning in August 1991, scientific studies began to discuss the positive and negative aspects of interethnic relations. It was concluded that with the acquisition of sovereignty, independent Kyrgyzstan became a polyethnic state, and accordingly, it became necessary to protect the legal interests of all ethnic groups. It is revealed that the main goal of scientific research is the use of preventive methods of solving interethnic and interethnic relations in a positive direction
Key words ethnos, nation, policy, tradition, political analysis, legal norms, value, territory, ethnic group, concept, interethnic relations
Article information
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Full articlePolitical analysis in the study of inter-ethnic relations in the Kyrgyzstan republic