Bibliographic description Medvedeva N. Methodological approach to the normalization of labour costs for teachers of general education organizations // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2017, vol. 23, no. 6, pp. 139—145.
Category Economics
DOI 37.015.6
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2017-23-6-139-145
Article type
Annotation The article deals with the normative and legal framework for the standardization of expenses related to the payment of teachers of general education organizations: methodological recommendations for determining the standards for budget financing of basic general education programs, the methodology for determining inefficient expenditures, and the indicator of the number of students per teacher. Their advantages and disadvantages are assessed. The necessity of ensuring the interrelation between the mechanism for estimating excess costs and the methodology for calculating the norm is determined. As a common connecting element, the pedagogical rate is proposed. The author’s methodology is presented in two parts: the norm of filling the pedagogical staff and the standard of financial security of labor costs. The standard of labor costs includes standards for paying for classroom and extra-budgetary employment. The article presents the parameters involved in calculating the component parts of the methodical approach: normative class fillability, number of hours per rate, number of weekly hours at each stage of training, average number of study weeks per year, number of classes at the i-th level of training, etc. The author gives the coefficients for calculating the standard of financial security for labor costs: coefficient of surcharges and surcharges, coefficient of regional regulation, coefficient of increase in the norm for other personnel, coefficient of allocations to off-budget funds. The presented material makes it possible to draw conclusions that the application of the methodology will facilitate the expedient allocation of funds in the general education system and the achievement of a rational level of remuneration for pedagogical workers
Key words normative, rate, labour remuneration, classroom and extracurricular employment, over-norm expenses, financial support of expenses; general educational organizations; work of the teacher; pedagogical rate; general education
Article information
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