Bibliographic description Romanov V. Statistical substantiation of the dependence «formation conditions — composition — electrophysical properties» of sulphide materials // Transbaikal State University Bulletin, 2017, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 23-32.
Category Earth science
DOI 549.082.537
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2017-23-4-23-32
Article type
Annotation The problems of work connected with the statistical justification of the relationship between the composition and properties of sulfide minerals have been determined. Theoretical and experimental substantiations of sulfides composition relationship with the temperature of minerals and pressure formation in the mineral-forming system are presented. The use of correlation analysis for the detection of the presence and orientation of the bond between the composition and properties of sulphide minerals is justified, and the limitations of the correlation analysis are given. The statistical substantiation between the sulfides composition and properties relationship was carried out using the example of synthesized galenics with different composition and content of introduced impurities (Sb2S3, Bi and Bi2 S3, AgBiS2) and natural pyrite from the Ukonik gold ore deposit with various arsenic contents. The composition and content of the introduced impurity with the synthesis of electro-physical parameters were correlated: thermoelectric power, electrical conductivity, Hall constant, and carrier, calculated from measurements of the Hall constant. The information on the incorrectness of the «gross» approach when applying correlation analysis is provided. The deviations in the direction of the revealed connection from theoretical representations are explained by considerations of heterogeneity of the synthesized samples
Key words mineral-forming environment; composition of minerals; matrix elements; electro-physical properties; thermoelectromotive force; electrical conductivity; Hall constant; interrelation; impurity elements; synthesis; isomorphism; correlation analysis; correlation coefficient; correlation field; heterogeneity
Article information
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