Authors Tarkhanova N.. candidate of geographical sciences, associate professor,
Romanov V.. candidate of economic sciences,
Bibliographic description
Category Economics
DOI 338.48
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-10-133-146
Article type
Annotation As a response to the ever-increasing number of suppliers and services, the concept of the impression economy has emerged. In tourist activity, this is extremely important, because it is not a product that is being sold, but impressions. They can be created, adjusted. Creating a positive experience is important for the return tourism business. The use of impression marketing elements will contribute to the sustainable development of tourism in a particular territory. The object of the study is tourist experiences. The subject of the study is the role of various components in the system of consumption of tourist products. The aim of the study is to identify the factors influencing the tourist experience formation as a result of the tourist products consumption. The objectives of the study are the following: to determine the significant factors that influence the formation of the consumer\'s impression of the visited territory; to identify the reasons that prevent the potential consumer to consider the territory as a possible holiday destination; to identify possible options to eliminate the problems associated with negative impressions. The article provides an overview of the main areas of research in the field of impression economics, including in the tourism industry. The authors aimed to identify the factors influencing the formation of a tourist impression as a result of the consumption of tourist products. An attempt is made to determine the most significant factors from the consumer\'s point of view that form positive impressions of the visited territory, identify the reasons that prevent a potential consumer from considering the territory as a possible place of rest or re-visit and identify ways to eliminate the negative impression. The authors have chosen a method of questioning consumers of tourist services. During the survey, it was found out that the formation of impressions is influenced by the quality of attractions, not their quantity, involvement in events taking place on a particular territory, service at catering establishments, accommodation. For different types of recreation, the formation of positive emotions is different. Negative emotions are formed in all kinds of experiences (educational, aesthetic, entertaining, escapism). To neutralize the negative experience of tourists, it is necessary to take into account the tools of the impression economy in the promotion of tourist products, both at the level of individual travel agencies and administrations when developing a strategy for the development of tourism in their territories. This will create a basis for attracting tourists to the destination
Key words Keywords: tourist impression; tourist; positive and negative emotions; visited territory; impression formation; economy of impressions; expectations from rest; ways to overcome negative experience; service on the route; development strategy
Article information Tarkhanova N., Romanov V. Using the tools of the experience economy in tourism // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2022, vol. 28, no. 10. pp.133-146. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-10-133-146
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