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Transbaikal State University Journal т. 27,, №1 2021

    Earth science

On methodological approaches to the improvement of surface water bodies and target indicators of the natural waters’ quality
Tsyrenov T. .
Rare-earth element distribution features in natural-technogenic complexes of some polymetallic deposits of Eastern Transbaikalia
Influence of natural conditions of the territory on flooding of artificial coverings of the airport of Chita
    Full version of the journal


Forms of the local community functioning in the framework of territorial self-government (TSG) on the territory of municipalities of the Russian Federation
Potential possibilities of Khalkhin-gol region in the development of international tourism
Analysis of the modern political parties’ functionality in Russia
Political modernization of Russia: to the history of the problem study
Evolution of the “regional security” concept in the world political science
Conceptualization of social security of the region in the context of political regionalism and philosophical discourse
Regional security studies in modern federal state educations: government and regional discourses

Gonin  V. .
Development of a methodology for forming a strategy for the activity of a regional car dealer network
Lim I. .
Calculation of economic feasibility and optimization of the number of bus flights taking into account the digital transformation of the passenger transportation control system
Economic and geographical position transbaikal region: territorial sub-levels and institutional component
Model of organizational and economic mechanism for export enterprises’ sustainable development

Dugina E. .