Article |
Article name |
Modeling of filtration processes of technological solutions in block underground leaching |
Authors |
Zozulya A.. Postgraduate Student, mr.hunter.82@mail.ruOOvseychuk V.A. doctor of engineering sciences, professor, |
Bibliographic description |
Category |
Earth science |
669.21/23;57.66; 622 |
10.21209/2227-9245-2021-27-4-13-19 |
Article type |
Annotation |
PAO “Priargunsky Production Mining and Chemical Association” has been working on reserves of uranium deposits of the Streltsovsky ore field for more than 50 years. During this period, most of the rich ores have been worked out by traditional mining and physical technology. The share of poor and ordinary ores remains significant, but traditional technology does not provide the necessary level of profitability. Therefore, the widespread introduction of physicochemical technology: underground block (BPV) and heap leaching (KV) can be a decisive moment in the continuation of the operation of these deposits.
The applied technology of underground block leaching has one significant drawback – a low rate of uranium recovery into a productive solution, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of this technology in the development of poor uranium deposits.
To increase the yield of uranium into the productive solution, it is necessary to analyze the entire preparation and leaching process and establish the main reasons for the low rates of transition of uranium to a mobile state. For this purpose, it is proposed to simulate the underground leaching process by building visual models of halos spreading of solutions along shrinked ore mining mass accumulated in an underground chamber.
During the simulation, it was found that the distribution of the size classes of the broken ore pieces in the chamber can be predicted at the stage of drilling and blasting operations, and when determining the line of least resistance W and the distance between the ends of the wells, take into account the diameter of the controlled crushing zone R_p. At the same time, 3 zones of granulometric compositions are formed: a re-grinding zone, an optimum zone and a non-carbarite exit zone. The flow of solutions through these zones will differ the more significantly, the higher the height of the chamber. In a zone with larger crushing, an almost steep distribution of the solution spreading front is expected. Accordingly, the smaller the fraction, the lower the front to the horizontal is.
The following functions are offered to simulate filtering processes:
– it is possible to control the flow of working solutions to the fan of irrigation wells in order to achieve optimal leaching parameters, i.e. to quickly control the process;
– knowledge of the law of distribution of irrigation flares makes it possible to select the optimal grid of location of single sprinklers |
Key words |
poor uranium ore; shrinked ore mining mass; block underground leaching; irrigation wells; irrigation flare; filtration coefficient; size class; Reynolds number; drilling and blasting operations; controlled crushing zone |
Article information |
Zozulia А., Ovseychuk V. Modeling of filtration processes of technological solutions in block underground leaching // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2021, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 13–19. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2021-27-4-13-19. |
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Full article | Modeling of filtration processes of technological solutions in block underground leaching |