Article name Development of the Russian and world industrial economies: theory, practice, specificity of venture business
Authors Malyshev E.. ,
Shamray F.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Economics
DOI 338.012
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2021-27-7-112-121
Article type
Annotation The scientific and practical relevance, timeliness and practical and applied relevance of the selected research topics are empirically substantiated by the processes of sustainable development of world labour markets, improving the quality of human resources, increasing the importance of scientific and educational activities, acquiring unique competencies, knowledge and skills by workers of modern business entities, deepening specialization and differentiation of science-intensive enterprises, permanent scientific and technological progress and acceleration of the pace of formation of industrial-industrial clusters and venture business. The theoretical and practical goals of the publication are to study the socio-economic mechanisms for solving the theoretical and practical-applied problems of sustainable innovative development of the industrial economy and the implementation of science-intensive projects characterized by high production and economic uncertainty and significant socio-economic risk, which are not amenable to formalization. The theoretical and methodological basis of the publication was the scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists-researchers of socio-economic algorithms for the development of domestic and world economies of industry, as well as venture business. Scientific novelty lies in the critical rethinking of such a constructive and creative result of the venture business as the formation of public-private partnerships and the author’s interpretation of strategically significant science-intensive segments of the industrial economy (telecommunication technologies, medicine, microbiology, production of substitute products, innovative energy trends, the search for alternative sources of energy supply, etc. etc.). The practical significance of the results obtained lies in the comparative characteristics of the American and Eurasian strategies for the innovative development of industry, as well as the empirical argumentation of their socio-economic advantages and disadvantages. The article reveals a reduction in costs and a regression of transactions between production and economic services of American companies, savings due to the narrow focus of scientific and production processes with a simultaneous absence of material incentives for labour activity and the occurrence of costs due to the regulation of labour functions of workers. The use of a progressive system of remuneration of labour and bonuses to personnel of Eurasian companies has been established in the context of a simultaneous increase in resource and raw materials and monetary costs and the liberalization of in-house management, which are of priority importance for the formation of a strategy for the development of the Russian industrial economy
Key words economics; industry; venture business; risk firm; international experience; innovations; American and Eurasian strategies for the development of industrial economics; public-private partnerships; labour market; unique competencies
Article information Krasovskaya I., Malyshev E., Shamray F. Development of the Russian and world industrial economies: theory, practice, specificity of venture business// Transbaikal State University Journal, 2021, vol. 27, no. 7, pp. 112–121. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2021-27-7-112-121.
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Full articleDevelopment of the Russian and world industrial economies: theory, practice, specificity of venture business