Article name The impact of digital technologies on the economy development of the regions in the Russian Federation
Authors Oborin M.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Economics
DOI 338.24
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2021-27-2-123-132
Article type
Annotation The article analyzes the indicators of digital technologies and the digital economy, as well as their unevenness in the context of the subject of the Russian Federation. The object of the research is digital technologies; the subject of the research is the directions of the digital technologies’ influence on the development of the country regions’ economy. The purpose of the study is to determine the features and directions of the digital technologies’ influence on the economy development of the regions in the Russian Federation. The objectives of the study are determined by the situational assessment of statistical data on digitalization of various areas of the socio-economic structure of the regions, as well as in the context of subjects: population, business. Research methods are the following: analysis of statistics of expenditures on the digital technologies’ introduction, the level and pace of digitalization of society, modeling of socio-economic processes. The dynamics of the development of expenditures on digital technologies and indicators of the use of electronic document management in organizations, the level of access to the Internet among the population are analyzed. High growth rates and indicators of digitalization development in individual areas of the service sector related to the functioning of e-government are identified. Uneven rates of introduction of digital technologies in the economy of the regions are determined. The study allowed us to identify the main socio-economic areas that are dynamically developing under the influence of digitalization: finance, services, and public administration. The main directions of the digitalization impact on the economy of the regions are identified, which include financial and economic indicators of industries, clusters, and large businesses; coefficients of modernization and investment in innovative projects, including those designed for internal development. High rates of implementation of digital solutions and technologies contribute to improving the regional management quality, increasing the standard of living and improving the financial and economic results of enterprises of various types of activity
Key words digital economy; digitalization; Internet; digital society; digitalization of regional economy; competitiveness; digital technologies; technological modernization; electronic government; electronic document management
Article information Oborin M. The impact of digital technologies on the economy development of the regions in the Russian Federation // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2021, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 123–132. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2021-27-2-123-132.
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Full articleThe impact of digital technologies on the economy development of the regions in the Russian Federation