Article name Economic and geographical position transbaikal region: territorial sub-levels and institutional component
Bibliographic description
Category Economics
DOI 911
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2021-27-1-112-121
Article type
Annotation The article considers the aspects of changes in the economic and geographical position (EGP) of the Transbaikal Region at different territorial levels, and the factors that determine it. The aim of the study is to analyze the changes in the EGP of the region in historical retrospect, as well as to determine the possible influence of traditional factors and new factors of the institutional environment on these micro-level processes. It was revealed that there was a change in the emphasis on the importance of the Transbaikal Region at the macro and micro levels: the mineral and geological importance of the region in the country significantly decreased with the transition to market relations, while opportunities for cross-border cooperation with China and Mongolia opened up. Currently, special attention is drawn to factors of an institutional nature that can have a certain impact on the economic development of the territory. The focus of the study is on the micro-level of the region, where the Udokan field development project in the north of the Transbaikal Region is currently being implemented within the framework of the concept of the Territory of Advanced development (TOP) project «Northern Transbaikalia». The authors hypothesize that informal norms determining the economic behaviour of the population can resist state institutions that can influence the change in EGP. This confrontation has not been studied either in the Transbaikal Region or in other subjects of the Far East, where new mechanisms of state administration are being implemented. A fundamental factor in the development of the model territory of the north of the Transbaikal Region is its high resource availability. A significant role in the process of changing the EGP is played by the state Institute of the Territory of Advanced Development (TOP) «Northern Transbaikalia», which corrects the effect of traditional factors due to administrative and tax preferences. Informal institutional factors may be the environmental consequences of the development of the field and their possible impact on the traditional nature management of the indigenous small – numbered peoples of the north of the Transbaikal Region – the Evenks
Key words Transbaikal Region; territories of advanced socio-economic development; economic and geographical location; micro-level; Udokan copper deposit; traditional EGP factors; institutional development factors
Article information Parfenova K., Baranova О. Economic and geographical position transbaikal region: territorial sub-levels and institutional component // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2021, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 112–121. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2021-27-1-112-121.
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Full articleEconomic and geographical position transbaikal region: territorial sub-levels and institutional component