Article name Potential possibilities of Khalkhin-gol region in the development of international tourism
Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 332.122
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2021-27-1-43-51
Article type
Annotation The relevance is primarily due to the fact that the development of trans-border territories is becoming an important tool for successful regional cooperation between Mongolia and its neighbouring countries. In these circumstances, it is necessary to study and understand the functions and mechanisms of cross-border cooperation, which will reveal the difficulties that exist there today. Within the framework of trilateral cooperation, including in the field of economic relations, our states attention to the development of border areas naturally increases. The object of the study is the cross-border tourism cooperation between Mongolia, the Russian Federation, and the People’s Republic of China. The article is devoted to the analysis of mongolian-russian-chinese relations at the present time. The subject is about the ways, forms and mechanisms of regional tourism cooperation between the three countries, as well as the factors that hinder this process. The purpose and objectives of the article is to analyze the main directions of cross-border cooperation between Mongolia, Russia and China in the trade, economic and tourism sector on the example of the border areas of our countries; to show what opportunities we have that we are losing and the challenges that border regions to interact in a more effective and mutually beneficial. There have been used general scientific empirical and theoretical research methods. The usage of a comparative-functional, systematic approach, modeling and a logical method encourages to identify the essential and substantive elements of the regional cooperation of the Mongolia, Russian Federation and China. The Chinese side is more business like about this problem, the Mongolian side is only in the study stage, and the Russian side has not yet shown any initiative. Research shows that Chinese tourists are interested in visiting the Mongolian steppe and to Russia. This research shows that Chinese tourists are interested in exploring/seeing Russia and Mongolian steppe. Therefore, Khalkhgol somon is a region that can develop cross-border tourism within the framework of the “One Region-One Road” project of the People’s Republic of China. This study shows that there is an opportunity to turn this region into a cross-border tourism region involving certain entities from the three countries
Key words Mongolia; Russian Federation; CPR; Chita; Dornod aimag; international tourism; Khalh-Gol; tourist products; economic corridor; “ONE BELT ONE ROAD” (OBOR); Arshan
Article information Demberel К. Potential possibilities of Khalkhin-gol region in the development of international tourism // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2021, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 43–51. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2021-27-1-43-51.
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