Название статьи Development of a platform economy in Russia: possible negative consequences for the Siberian and Far Eastern regions
Библиографическое описание статьи
Категория Экономические науки
УДК 332.1(571) JEL P48, R12, R58
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-9-75-83
Тип статьи научная
Аннотация In the national project “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation” it is noted that the state will support the creation of leading platform companies. However, the project and numerous scientific comments on this project do not explain the possible socio-economic consequences of the development of the platform economy for certain groups of Russian regions. To develop regional development strategies, first of all, it is necessary to know the negative consequences. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to identify possible negative consequences of the platform economy development for the regions of the Siberian and Far Eastern Federal districts of Russia. The analysis of the global array of scientific publications on platform economics in comparison with the peculiarities of the socio-economic development of Siberia and the Far East has revealed five possible negative consequences: concentration of platform companies in the capital of Russia; polarization of the economic space; transformation of regional labour markets; increase in migration flows and chaotic spatial diffusion of innovations. Qualitative estimates were obtained for these consequences. Future products and services with ultra-low signal delay in 5G networks (Tactile Internet, holographic calls, etc.) were selected for a quantitative assessment. Calculations of the signal delay between 196 cities in Siberia and the Far East have showed that it will be possible to create six territorial digital platforms. The business ecosystems that can be created around these platforms can cover 52 cities. The rest of the cities will find themselves without access to new products and services. This will create a future digital inequality that will cover 260 times more people than the current inequality in access to 3G–4G networks. The results can be used to refine the national project
Ключевые слова digital economy; platform economy; regional development; telecommunication network; ultra-low signal delay; city; region; digital divide; Siberian Federal District; Far Eastern Federal District
Информация о статье Blanutsa V. Development of a platform economy in Russia: possible negative consequences for the Siberian and Far Eastern regions // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2020, vol. 26, no. 9, pp. 75–83. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-9-75-83.
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Полный текст статьиDevelopment of a platform economy in Russia: possible negative consequences for the Siberian and Far Eastern regions