Article name Brief analysis of educational policy of the People’s Republic of China
Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 37 (510)
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-9-68-74
Article type
Annotation The study is devoted to the problems of education, since education is a strategic area, as it forms public consciousness and a system of values. According to the authors, the importance of education and the importance of its reform should not be underestimated, since the goals, content of education and the degree of its impact on all respondents of the educational process determine the present and future of society. The reform process in this area currently covers all countries and states without exception. Education reflects the general dynamics of integrating intellectual property into market relations and becomes an integral part of the “consumer society”. The subject of this research is the educational policy of the Chinese leadership. If earlier the countries of the East paid attention and borrowed a lot from the West - the market economy, political systems, as well as the education system, now, in the 21st century, on the contrary, the countries of the West are studying the East. According to the authors, despite the variety of works devoted to the problems of education considered in the article, the experience of China currently requires a deeper study and rethinking. The Chinese government prioritizes education, closely linking the economic success of society with education reforms. In this regard, the topic of this article seems to be very relevant. The research methodology is based on a combination of descriptive and structural analysis. This article examines the micro and macro trends in the development of education in China in the near future, which is the practical significance of the study. The authors conclude that the measures taken by the leadership of the PRC in the field of education are very successful and can be useful for overcoming the systemic crisis in education in Russia. Today, in the opinion of many scientists, in the context of globalization, the convergence of the eastern and western education systems will contribute to a paradigm shift: the technocratic vector of education will be replaced by an anthropological one, and the main resource of the educational process will be the eastern philosophy and the educational system of Asian countries, in particular China. The analytical base of the study includes legislative and regulatory acts, materials from periodicals, a review of scientific articles by experts in the field of education
Key words education system, educational policy, priority direction, reforming, innovations, modern requirements, main development trends
Article information Sharenkova Т., Tarabarko К. Brief analysis of educational policy of the People’s Republic of China // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2020, vol. 26, no. 9, pp. 68–74. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-9-68-74.
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Full articleBrief analysis of educational policy of the People’s Republic of China