Article name Methodology for studies of religious and political threats in modern socio-political science and philosophy
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Category Politology
DOI 322
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-9-33-41
Article type
Annotation The article analyzes the research methodology of the problem of religious threats, aiming to identify their specificity in comparison with other threats to state and public security. Methodology is presented by a phenomenological approach, comparative approach, historical approach, comprehensive approach, determination of the study course, which consists not in exposing the threat to the public manifestations of religion, but in the development of the theory of social adaptation of religion. The authors prove that emerging religion by trying to spread its influence in society causes a negative reaction. This reaction compels them to make efforts, on the one hand it aims to protect their rights, on the other – aimed at the transformation of the original own institutional, ideological and strategic installations, that is at the process of adaptation to the society that originally has been rejected by them. As a result of such interaction, religious associations initially persecuted in society form an atmosphere of tolerance around them and become equal participants in social discourse. It is important that this process, which generates new players within the social space, affects traditional religions, which are forced either to squeeze in the market of spirituality, or, like its competitors, to transform their social policy
Key words religious threats to religious security; evolution of religion; religious conflict; social adaptation of religion; religious extremism; anti-Semitism; research methodology; public safety; transformation of ideological attitudes
Article information Romanova I., Mladenov V., Zhukova А. Methodology for studies of religious and political threats in modern socio-political science and philosophy // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2020, vol. 26, no. 9, pp. 33–41. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-9-33-41.
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Full article Methodology for studies of religious and political threats in modern socio-political science and philosophy