Article name Role of modern technologies in the development of regional food market
Authors Dugina E.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Economics
DOI 338.439: 004.77
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-8-112-121
Article type
Annotation The article examines the development and prospects of modern technologies in the agri-food sector. The study of the state and development trends of regional food market showed a high concentration and low self-sufficiency with the products of local agricultural producers. Small agribusiness predominates in the structure of regional agricultural production, but it has problems with the lack of permanent distribution channels. Creation of open digital platforms in processing, trade and consulting will allow farms to enter the market without intermediaries, find loyal consumers, enter the system of interregional agri-food relationships and get a synergistic effect from interaction with organizations of related industries. However, the outdated material and technical base hinders the introduction of innovative technologies (usually requiring significant capital investments), the low level of infrastructure development in rural areas, the lack of wide access to information services and skills in working with modern technologies and digital tools among the elderly population, distrust agrarians to innovative farming methods using digital solutions hinder the digitalization of the agri-food sector and the diversification of the rural economy. The digital transformation of the agro-industrial complex is impossible without bridging the digital divide between urban and rural areas; therefore it is necessary to provide the basic conditions for the implementation of digital transformations, the availability of infrastructure and connectivity. Now the level of informatization in urban areas is ahead of those in rural areas; in the social sphere, information technologies are used more often and more actively than in the business sector. At the initial stage of digitalization, special attention should be paid to the formation and improvement of the skills of using modern equipment and technologies by the population. Subsequently, the digitalization of the agri-food sector should lead to the integration of small and medium agribusiness into digital agri-food systems, which reduce transaction costs and increase the efficiency of the regional food market
Key words regional food market; agri-food sector; modern technologies; digitalization; digital platforms; agro-industrial complex (agro-industrial complex); prospects for the agro-industrial sphere development; farms; infrastructure; agriculture
Article information Dugina Е., Saktoev V., Dorzhieva Е. Role of modern technologies in the development of regional food market // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2020, vol. 26, no. 8, pp. 112–121. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-8-112-121.
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