Article name Housing conditions in the regions of east Russia: basic parameters and correlations
Bibliographic description
Category Economics
DOI 911.7
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-7-106-116
Article type
Annotation Housing conditions are one of the main (among others) indicators of the population’s well-being. The author examines the situation in the housing sector of the regions of the Far East, as well as the Baikal region. The East of Russia as a geostrategic region stands out in federal programs and strategies for the development of regions, but the level and living conditions here differ both geographically and not for the better from the western part of the country. The relevance of the study is determined by the fact that the significance of the housing problems – providing all people in need with comfortable and high-quality housing – remains high for modern society. The population of the Far Eastern regions is steadily declining. This fact, together with a not sufficiently high quality of life, speaks of the need to address this problem as a strategic task. The methodology of economic and statistical analysis based on Rosstat data characterizing the main indicators of housing conditions of the population (provision of housing, commissioning of housing, dilapidated and emergency housing stock) in order to analyze the state and territorial differences in the housing sector in the east of the country is used in the article. The source of information is the data from regional state statistical organizations using the ranking method and the correlation method. The need to take into account regional specifics in the development of housing policy is emphasized. Low provision of housing, the presence of a significant share of dilapidated housing and the level of improvement that does not meet modern requirements have little effect on the pace of housing construction due to insufficient income of the population. This explains the absence of a strong correlation between the amount of housing being commissioned and the provision of the population with it. The study of the living conditions of the population of the eastern regions of Russia can be continued in the field of further correlation and regression analysis in order to study the relationship between phenomena and processes
Key words Far East; Baikal region; provision of housing; commissioning of residential buildings; housing conditions; dilapidated and emergency housing stock; income of the population; correlation analysis; housing policy; strategic regions
Article information Gurova O. Housing conditions in the regions of east Russia: basic parameters and correlations // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2020, vol. 26, no. 7, pp. 106–116. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-7-106-116.
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Full article Housing conditions in the regions of east Russia: basic parameters and correlations