Article name Role of advanced development territories in the context of the institutional analysis of the economic-geographical situation of the transbaykal region
Bibliographic description
Category Economics
DOI 911
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-6-115-124
Article type
Annotation In recent years, new methods have been developed in the country for spatial management of the country’s “periphery” – the territory of priority social and economic development (TORs), the interaction of which with other informal factors of these territories was practically not considered and which requires some analysis and reflection. The aim of the study is to consider the influence of the TORs of the Transbaikal region on the change in its economic and geographical position (EGP) in the context of institutional analysis. The scientific novelty of the work done is to justify the author’s approach to determining the EGP of a territory in the context of the implementation of new methods of spatial development, as well as considering the influence of formal and informal factors of an institutional nature. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is a set of scientific ideas in the field of economic geography and regional economy. On the example of the Udokan copper deposit being developed in the Kalarsky district and the single-industry city of Krasnokamensk, an analysis of traditional EGP factors’ effect and new factors of a “soft nature” – institutional mechanisms is given. The features of the each model territory functioning are revealed from the point of view of creating the Northern Transbaikal Territory and Krasnokamensk TOP. It was revealed that the fundamental factor in the development of these territories is their high and unique resource supply, the influence of other traditional factors of EGP becomes secondary and not key. A significant role in the process of changing EGPs is played by formal institutions that correct the action of traditional factors of EGP due to administrative and tax preferences. Among the informal institutional factors, the environmental consequences of the development of the Udokan copper deposit and its possible impact on the organization of traditional nature management of the indigenous peoples of the Transbaikal Territory – Evenks – stand out. For the territory of the implementation of the project “Krasnokamensk”, the informal factor is the professional rootedness of the local community. The results of the study can be used in the activities of public authorities at various levels, and can also be the basis for further research
Key words Transbaikal region; territories of priority social and economic development; economic and geographical location; Udokan copper deposit; single-industry city of Krasnokamensk; traditional factors of EGP; institutional factors of development
Article information Baranova О., Parfenova К. Role of advanced development territories in the context of the institutional analysis of the economic-geographical situation of the transbaykal region // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2020, vol. 26, no. 6, pp. 115–124. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-6-115-124.
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