Article name Competitiveness of natural resources of the region as a factor of resort and recreational specialization development
Bibliographic description
Category Earth science
DOI 338; 348; 631
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-6-26-33
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the analysis of the natural potential of the region, which can be used in resort medicine in the conditions of a sanatorium and resort complex and contribute to the sustainable growth of resort and recreational specialization. The object of research is the natural healing resources of the Perm region. The subject of research is the competitiveness of natural healing resources, which allows forming a unique resort and recreational offer of the region. The Perm region is very rich in diverse natural resources that can be used in the medical and wellness process. The diverse potential of the region’s natural healing resources contributes to the formation of alternative economic specialization and diversification of an industrially oriented economy. Research on the impact of natural factors on human health forms the scientific basis of Spa treatment and contributes to the development of value proposition for consumers of health services from various regions of the country. The use of potential in the conditions of a sanatorium-resort complex should be justified by commercial and medical effects. The introduction of natural healing resources is associated with significant costs, so their expert assessment is necessary in order to determine the level of competitiveness and select the most promising fields for development. The purpose of this article is an expert determination of the level of competitiveness of natural healing resources of the Perm region to identify the prospects for their use in the development of resort and recreational specialization of the region. Research methods: description of the characteristics of natural healing resources of the Perm region, expert assessment. Natural healing resources of the Perm region contribute to the development of resort and recreational activities, the region’s lands have a high potential for their development. Natural healing resources of the Perm region that have a health-improving effect on human health, which provides demand and commercial effect for preventive health-improving measures in the resorts and sanatoriums of the region. It is very important to use natural healing resources in the implementation of health and wellness programs for the population in accordance with the recommendations of experts and trends in the development of the regional and national market of resort and recreational services. These measures will help improve the quality of public health, increase employment and fill the city budget
Key words natural healing resources; competitiveness; spa services; recreational activities; recreational tourism; quality; health; population; development; resources
Article information Oborin M. Competitiveness of natural resources of the region as a factor of resort and recreational specialization development // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2020, vol. 26, no. 6, pp. 26–33. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-6-26-33.
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Full articleCompetitiveness of natural resources of the region as a factor of resort and recreational specialization development