Article name The formation of gold mining in Transbaikalia and search for further development directions by using innovations in the technology of human leap gold
Bibliographic description
Category Earth science
DOI 622.775
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-6-14-25
Article type
Annotation Transbaikalia as one of the leading mineral provinces has a rich history of gold mining development. More than 460 deposits were discovered on its territory in the XVIII and XIX centuries, which led to the further development of a pyrometallurgical method for extracting precious metals when metallurgical plants were put into operation. The method first proposed by prof. by V. P. Myazin and senior researcher A. A. Vyrupaev, it was possible to identify five characteristic stages in the development of gold mining techniques and technologies in the geosystem on the territory of Transbaikalia, starting from the enrichment of gold-containing sands on the simplest trays to the use of heap and underground leaching of valuable components from accumulated waste and man-made raw materials. Special attention is paid to the development of heap leaching of noble metals in Transbaikalia, since the use of conventional gravity methods technology has led to the accumulation of large amounts of waste and technogenic formations in the territory. Due to this, the loss of a valuable component has increased and there has been pollution of natural watercourses and the air basin, which has led to increased morbidity of the population. In this regard, there is an urgent need to introduce low-waste environmentally friendly technologies based on the use of innovative methods of heap leaching. The authors have used logical techniques and procedures for analysis and subsequent synthesis, considering heap leaching technology as a system of interrelated processes and technical means. Analysis of technical solutions for year-round heap leaching showed that a small number of patents were proposed for practical use in the cryolithozone, which led to the conclusion that further study of the problem is necessary
Key words heap leaching; gold mining; patent information analysis; waste; technogenic formations; cryolithozone; technology; technical solutions; patents; gold
Article information Myazin V., Sokolova E. The formation of gold mining in Transbaikalia and search for further development directions by using innovations in the technology of human leap gold // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2020, vol. 26, no. 6, pp. 14–25. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-6-14-25.
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Full articleThe formation of gold mining in Transbaikalia and search for further development directions by using innovations in the technology of human leap gold