Article |
Article name |
Nagaslaeva Municipal budget stability as a result of state and regional policy |
Authors |
Sharaldaev B.. doctor of economic sciences, professor, bbsh2016@mail.ruBulakh E.. candidate of political sciences, associate professor, bulakhevg@mail.ruSharaldaeva A.. candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, a.sharaldaeva@gmail.comNagaslaeva I.. candidate of economic sciences, |
Bibliographic description |
Category |
Economics |
336:332 |
10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-5-126-134 |
Article type |
Annotation |
This article analyzes such issues and problems as ineffective management decisions in the system of municipal finance by local authorities and one of the most important issues is the balance of the municipal budget. The influence of external and internal factors, which to some extent impedes the adoption of the optimal decision in the likelihood of increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the municipal government of the municipality in the case of ineffective and result-oriented management of the municipal financial resources of the district, is described in the article.
As a result of the study, the interconnection of such concepts as balance and deficit of the municipal budget was revealed, in addition, the following problems were identified: the separation of revenue and expenditure powers between levels of government, the procedure for transferring powers without sources of financing, a fuzzy differentiation of powers, the problem of effective and performance-oriented management of financial resources of the municipal education. The financial and economic situation of the Eravninsky District municipality of the Republic of Buryatia is analyzed, and the stability of the revenue side of the municipal budget, state and regional financial support of the municipal budget are studied using it.
It is shown how the decision of the federal authorities on the introduction of the Republic of Buryatia into the Far Eastern Federal District was influenced and the impact of this issue on the budget of the municipality was investigated. Since the problem of the lack of transparent and reliable information on the budgets of municipalities remains to this day not fully resolved. Proposals are presented on the possibilities of increasing the municipal budget and thereby improving the efficiency of the performance-oriented municipal finance management process |
Key words |
budget; balance; municipality; deficit; authorities; district; region; management
Article information |
Sharaldaev B., Bulakh E., Sharaldaeva A., I. Nagaslaeva Municipal budget stability as a result of state and regional policy // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2020, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 126-134. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-5-126-134. |
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Full article | Nagaslaeva Municipal budget stability as a result of state and regional policy |