Annotation |
Purchased hydrographic objects have always had a significant impact on the formation of regional social, cultural and economic systems. Since the presence of water bodies largely determines the economic landscape of the territory, taking this fact into account becomes mandatory. This actualizes the issue of using the basin approach in developing strategies and programs for the socio-economic development of regions. This, in turn, involves the use of a functionally integrated approach to the differentiation of the natural environment of the region and the use of its individual elements in the formation of local economic systems.
Based on the existing world experience, a number of approaches to the formation of institutes of integrated economic regions of the basin type are proposed, as applied to the territory of the Baikal region, the development of the economic system of which is determined by local hydrographic characteristics.
The article attempts to justify the need to consider the basin territories as relatively separate structures in the geoecological and economic plan, united by the integrating properties of the water flow. Based on existing and successfully used approaches to the development of basin territories, measures are proposed for the formation and establishment of a special institution – the Baikal Basin Commission.
The substantiation of the need for the formation of this structure is given, its functional purpose is determined, the place is determined in ensuring the sustainable development of the region’s economy and in preserving the natural and resource potential of the entire transboundary catchment basin of the lake Baikal. Special attention should be paid to the development of an economic mechanism for the functioning of the Baikal Basin Commission, while the Institute of Credit Issues for future infrastructure projects and modernized tools for using water rents were proposed as financial support instruments |
References |
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