Название статьи Current state of migration processes in Mongolia during the Covid-19 pandemic
Авторы Имидеева И.В. канд. экон. наук, доцент, imideevaiv@mail.ru
Нандинцэцэг Б.. канд. экон. наук, nandia_miit@mail.ru
Библиографическое описание статьи
Категория Экономические науки
УДК 314.7.044:331.5
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-5-83-92
Тип статьи Научная
Аннотация The article provides a description of the migration process, migration flows and considers migration processes in Mongolia. Attention was focused on the analysis of changes in the population of the state and the migration situation, and the article notes the results of the changes’ study. The results of the population dynamics analysis, including the regions of Mongolia, are shown. The dynamics of the historical population growth of Mongolia is presented, as well as the dynamics and analysis of the total number of immigrants and emigrants over the past ten years. The current issue of foreign labour migrants affected by the new conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic is considered. The problems of overpopulation and possible solutions to them and existing assumptions of scientists are noted. A theory is presented at the end of the 18th century of an English priest and scholar Thomas Malthus in his published work, “An Experience on the Law of Population”, which has influenced the research assumptions of many demographers. The vital activity of human society, its development, functioning obey the laws of nature is noted, and human physical resources must be used in order to increase the amount of food. In their development and existence, the inhabitants of the Earth have become limited by means of subsistence. The COVID-19 pandemic has given rise to many different versions of the appearance, one of the most common which is aimed at reducing the world’s population, where nature itself struggles with all ailments, triggering possible transformations in the form of epidemics, suicides, cataclysms and similar kinds of actions, thereby self-cleaning. The interconnection between the demographic and social policies of the country and its economic and political security is presented. Thus, on the basis of a combination of theoretical and practical principles, migration features are highlighted, labour migration in Mongolia is noted, labour migration in Mongolia during the COVID-19 pandemic, the main trends and causes of migration are identified, the role of coronavirus in a difficult economic world period and recommendations are made to reduce outflow of the population of Mongolia, ways to reduce risks and new trends in the country’s behaviour
Ключевые слова migration; migration process; socio-economic state; types of migration; population inflow; outflow; population of Mongolia; migration dynamics; population movement; socio-political state
Информация о статье Imideevа I.V, Boldbaatar Nandintsetseg, Current state of migration processes in Mongolia during the Covid-19 pandemic // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2020, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 83–92. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-5-83-92.
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