Article |
Article name |
Prospects of cross-border cooperation between the Trans-Baikal territory and the Inner Mongolia Autonomous region in the context of the «one belt, one road» initiative |
Authors |
Galynis K.. candidate of sociological sciences, associate professor, |
Bibliographic description |
Category |
Economics |
339.9 |
10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-5-65-74 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The development of cooperation between the Inner Mongolia Autonomous region (IMAR) and the Transbaikal region has been discussed in the context of the development of the “China – Mongolia – Russia” economic corridor in the article as part of the “One belt, one road” initiative. It is concluded that export-import operations have a more significant role in the Transbaikal region than in the IMAR. At the same time, Transbaikal region has achieved a positive trade balance, but the export structure includes mainly resources and goods with low value. The export structure of the IMAR is a slightly better situation. With two major railway checkpoints the Chinese border region has a better position relative to the Transbaikal region.
The author notes that the European-Chinese transit through the “Zabaikalsk – Manchuria” checkpoint will decrease, but the role of this one in the framework of bilateral relations may increase in the future. For this purpose, it is important to increase the volume of export and import operations. This is partly the goal of projects to develop Russian border infrastructure.
It is also important to increase the share of high value added goods in the export of the Transbaikal region. Investment activity may play an important role in this trend, which is stimulated by special preferential regimes in the Transbaikal region (zones of territorial development, territory of advanced development “Transbaikalia”, territory of advanced socio-economic development in the Krasnokamensk city). At the same time, the author notes promising projects for the production of goods with higher added value, some of which can be exported |
Key words |
One belt, one road; Transbaikal Region; Inner Mongolia Autonomous region; economic corridor; export; import; investment; TAD; TASED; cooperation
Article information |
Galynis К. Prospects of cross-border cooperation between the Trans-Baikal territory and the Inner Mongolia Autonomous region in the context of the «one belt, one road» initiative // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2020, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 65–74. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-5-65-74. |
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Full article | Prospects of cross-border cooperation between the Trans-Baikal territory and the Inner Mongolia Autonomous region in the context of the «one belt, one road» initiative |