Article name International cooperation in the field of information exchange and training programs for law enforcement officers in the fight against terrorism in western countries
Authors Zhang Zihao .. postgraduate,
Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 327.57:327.7
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-5-44-53
Article type
Annotation Over the past two decades, the world has seen a constant increase in the terrorist threat and the presence of extremist activities. Against this background, joint actions of different countries to prevent these phenomena are particularly relevant. More effective interaction requires constant exchange of information and experience in conducting anti-terrorist activities. It is obvious that the Russian Federation and the developed countries of the West have achieved the greatest success here. The experience of the latter in this area is quite interesting, which predetermined the relevance of this study, which is based on the use of fundamental approaches in the theory and practice of international relations, security (including international) and anti-terrorist activities. The article describes the features of cooperation between developed countries of the West in the field of information exchange on the problem of terrorism and the fight against it, as well as some. The author also highlights the characteristics of individual training programs for law enforcement officers in the fight against terror in Western countries. They are a clear example of the practice of fighting the anti-terrorist activities of individual States. The author draws a conclusion about the importance of international cooperation in the fight against terrorism. It is noted that in the current situation, the exchange of information between different countries is important, as well as the transfer of experience in anti-terrorist activities. Special attention is paid to the positive experience of some leading Western countries in implementing training programs for law enforcement officers in the fight against terror. It is said that the existing experience should be used in the framework of international cooperation. The author notes that the existing measures to collect intelligence about terrorist attacks and information about terrorists, today, can no longer be carried out according to the traditional scenario, separately in each country. In this situation, the participation of the Russian Federation in international anti-terrorist activities is of particular importance. Its participation in the exchange of available data on terrorist organizations and individual terrorists can be fundamental in the fight against terrorism
Key words terrorism; extremism; security; anti-terrorist activities; international cooperation; information exchange; information interaction; training program; developed countries of the West; Russian Federation
Article information Zihao Zhang. International cooperation in the field of information exchange and training programs for law enforcement officers in the fight against terrorism in western countries // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2020, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 44–53. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-5-44-53.
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Full articleInternational cooperation in the field of information exchange and training programs for law enforcement officers in the fight against terrorism in western countries