Article |
Article name |
Problems of Russian political parties activity and municipal reform |
Authors |
Zimina N.V. Candidate of Political Sciences, Lecturer of the Section “Jurisprudenceˮ, Associate Professor, Forensic Medicine, |
Bibliographic description |
Category |
Politology |
329.3 |
10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-5-21-26 |
Article type |
Annotation |
Modern political parties are becoming an integral part of the political system of society. They have their own organizational and legal basis and are registered as a non-profit organization with their own status, program, leaders, and their own goals and objectives. One of the tasks of any political party is to participate in the life of society, in solving its problems. Parties take an active part both in the election period and in the inter-election period, where they must decide their issues and win the votes of the electorate.
Political parties as subjects of the political process at various times play significant managerial roles, both in the center and in the Russian regions and municipalities. Political parties and their regional branches represent an ideological, conceptual, personnel and electoral resource of any government. Regional branches of political parties fit into the political space of Russian regions as one of the most active subjects of the political process. They reflect regional interests, as well as the degree of de-mocraticity of regional authorities and local self-government bodies.
Local branches of political parties are increasingly becoming an integrating link for all other, equally important political actors, primarily local governments, mass media, and social movements in a single regional management process, which is determined by the interests and characteristics of each region of Russia
Key words |
political parties; regional branches of political parties; registration of political parties; legislation; public organization; municipal district; reform; municipal legal acts; party program; statute
Article information |
Zimina N. Problems of Russian political parties activity and municipal reform // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2020, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 21–26. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-5-21-26. |
References |
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Full article | Problems of Russian political parties activity and municipal reform |