Article name Experiment on the use of Molokovsky clay mineralization
Bibliographic description
Category Earth science
DOI 544.7 + 548.3
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-3-30-38
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the assessment of the possibility of practical use of Molokovsky clay mineralization (Transbaikal region). Colloidal-chemical and physical-mechanical properties of clay, materials and articles from it have been studied. Geochemical composition is established, granulometric description of clay mineral is given, its specific surface is estimated depending on the degree of dispersion, viscosity of suspensions, anisotropy of particles and charge of their surface are determined. X-ray diffraction from powder and oriented samples showed that the main components of clay SiO2 (61,14 %) and Al2O3 (18,15 %). Mineralogical composition is represented by quartz, field spats, mica, calcite, traces of clay minerals. Laminar minerals present in clay composition (mixed-layer phase of mica-smectite and pure smectite) give it in paste state important technological properties – swellability, binding capacity, plasticity, sinkability, strength of ceramic skull, etc. In terms of its properties, the clay under study refers to medium-plastic (the number of plasticity is determined to be 18,3) and refractory (based on the composition). Natural qualities of Molokovsky clay mineralization allow to use it in various fields. Experiments have shown that the sodium silicate clay paste used as a binder for binding the chamotte refractory plates after firing has mechanical properties comparable to those of a traditional chamotte crumb solution. The water-based clay paste is plastic, well moulded, responsive to decoration. After burning, clay articles have satisfactory mechanical strength and unique terracotta colour with mica insertion flashing. These arguments are important for recommendations on the use of clay in manual work and the manufacture of decorative ceramic products
Key words clay; clay minerals; suspension; paste; plasticity; fire resistance; granulometric composition; viscosity; electro-kinetic potential; surface relief; dispersion
Article information Yakovleva А. Experiment on the use of Molokovsky clay mineralization // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2020, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 30–38. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-3-30-38.
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Full articleExperiment on the use of Molokovsky clay mineralization