Bibliographic description
Category Earth science
DOI 338; 348; 631
DOI 10.21209/2227­-9245­-2020­-26­-3-­15-­20
Article type
Annotation The uneven socio-economic development of the country’s subjects and individual territories is due to the influence of factors at different levels, depending on the state of larger economic systems. In Russia, there are municipal units with stable negative dynamics of socio-economic indicators. Assessment and analysis of the state of the resource base of such territories will help to identify promising areas for optimizing the use of resources for the development of those activities that are potentially capable of generating income. The practice of economic strategic planning is currently focused on a program-oriented approach and the inclusion of territories with complex socio-economic situation in higher-order network structures to participate in the redistribution of income from the use of available resources. The consistency of the policy is reflected in the complexity of measures, the relationship of economic, managerial and marketing mechanisms for the implementation of state and regional programs for the development of territories. The purpose of the article is to identify promising areas for the use of natural resources and the geographical location of territories with resort and recreational potential for improving socio-economic indicators. Research methods are the following: structural analysis, modeling of socio-economic processes, elements of business planning. The article analyzes the theoretical concepts related to the degradation of the economy of municipal territorial entities. The article considers the territory of the Perm region that has natural medical resources that can potentially be widely used in various types of commercial activities, including in the medical and Wellness process. Recommendations for the use of natural healing resources in the development of resort and recreational activities of the territory are given
Key words rural areas; depressed areas; natural and geographical factors; resource potential; natural healing resources; business environment; development strategy; sustainable demand; competitiveness; commercial effect
Article information Oborin M. Optimization of resource use as a factor in the development of depressed territories // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2020, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 15–20. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-3-15-20
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