Article name The role of brands of Far Eastern goods in the formation of the external image of the territory
Authors Davyborets E.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 32.019.51
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-2-63-73
Article type
Annotation Among the factors of successful image of the Far Eastern territory, an important place is occupied by brands of goods and services produced here. The Far Eastern region has a huge potential for developing mutually beneficial partnerships with the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. The authors define the role of far Eastern (regional) brands in the formation of the external image of the territory as the subject of the study, and the purpose of the study is to identify the degree of their effectiveness. Among the reasons for the lack of sustainable positive image of the Far Eastern “products” in the article are named the following: minor the level of foreign consumers trust, limited and ineffective information support, insufficient financial support, inexperience of the authorities and business in development, international relations, finally, continuing resource-based economy raw nature of the regional economy. The authors highlight the positive aspects that contribute to the region’s trade reaching the international level while forming sustainable bright local brands. Among them, there is an increased interest in the Far East from neighboring countries, traditionally stable demand for certain categories of goods, their competitiveness in quality and price, environmental friendliness of local products, etc. The article suggests several ways to accelerate the entry of Far Eastern brands into the market of the Asia-Pacific region: diversification of the region’s economy, its further comprehensive development, establishment of friendly relations with neighboring countries, creation of umbrella brands, development of regional and regional brands, development and promotion of an unified system of informing foreign audiences aimed at forming positive mental and cognitive attitudes to domestic goods. In conclusion, the authors predict an improvement in the situation in the near future, the emergence of new brands of goods and services necessary for the Far East to play a significant role in international cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region
Key words brand; image of the territory; Eastern vector; Far East; export; trade; international relations; environmental friendliness of products; source of profit; competition
Article information Davyborets E., Radikov I. The role of brands of Far Eastern goods in the formation of the external image of the territory // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2020, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 63–73. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-2-63-73.
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