Authors Bernukevich T.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 681.5+316
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2019-25-9-52-60
Article type scientific
Annotation The article raises the question of improving urban policy of the Russian Federation in terms of ensuring the real participation of citizens in the adoption of urban planning decisions. One of the ways of participation is public hearings of urban planning projects, but the existing practice of holding hearings is criticized by ordinary citizens and specialists – urban planners and architects. The authors presented the results of sociological research (observation, questioning, interviewing) conducted in October 2018 – June 2019 in Moscow. The respondents expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that public hearings are held with serious violations of the legislation in terms of informing citizens, preparation and exhibition of the project, the list of participants of the hearings, preparation of the Protocol and report. The respondents give examples of such violations and emphasize that the main violation of the democratic rights of citizens is that the conclusions on public hearings and public discussions have recommendatory nature; they do not have legal status. The authors have studied the experience of organizing and conducting public hearings, consensus conferences, and civil juries in many countries. It is emphasized that in the European Nordic countries projects that have not received the support of citizens, cannot be implemented. In Denmark the authorities hold public consultations in order to use the opinion and knowledge of citizens. The goal is to minimize errors that can cause adverse effects in the process of working on the project. The authors propose to move to a two-stage model for public hearings based on the Danish variant, arguing that the time limits specified in the Federal law No. 455-FZ from 29.12.2017 and the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation do not allow to conduct a thorough independent examination of the urban development project, study the project by all stakeholders and consider comments and suggestions. A two-stage model being implemented over a period of 4 months would improve the quality of a project in order to create a sustainable and comfortable living environment
Key words Keywords: sustainable city; urban planning policy; public hearings; public discussions; needs of citizens; self-government; Town Planning Code; civil society; comfortable environment; sociological survey
Article information Ivanova Z., Bernukevich T. Urban policy and practice of public hearings in Russia // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2019, vol. 25, no. 9, pp.52-60
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