Bibliographic description
Category Earth science
DOI 551.411
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2019-25-9-25-32
Article type scientific
Annotation Rift structures are important in minerageny of gold. In this paper, the Lower and Middle Paleozoic black shale deposits are considered, which are associated with rift-like grabens – Anikovsky and Staro-Karabutak. They are the main structural elements of the Kumakskoye field, limiting it from the east and west. One of the main features of the internal structure inherent in both grabens is the presence in them of faults of several directions and of different nature. Particular attention is paid to stratigraphic units, which are marked with carbon shale. Conducted research, as well as an analysis of the geological structure of the Kumakskoye field, has made it possible to assess the prospects for the developed carbonaceous deposits for gold. Particular attention should be paid to the areas where metasomatic changes are noted. The regularity is noted that the higher the gold-bearing capacity of the host rocks is, the more it will be in metasomatites and quartz formations. In the western part of the Kumakskoye field, a mixed sedimentary-volcanogenic type of metagenesis with a significant amount of carbonaceous metasomatites and carbonate rocks is clearly manifested. It was revealed that volcanism played a large role in the formation of the lithological composition of black shale; this is expressed in an increased content of S, C, ore elements, pyroclastic material
Key words Key words: black shale; gold; volcanism; ordovician; carboniferous; shebekty mass; balataldyk mass; East Ural high; Anikhov graben; Staro-Karabutak graben; Orenburg region; Kumakskoye field
Article information Kolomoyets A. Regional features of golden black shales of Kumakskoye district // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2019, vol. 25, no. 9, pp.25-32
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