Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 323
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2019-25-8-81-86
Article type scientific
Annotation The article analyzes the specifics and the main problematic aspects of the national-civic identity design of youth in the new – digital – era. At the same time, special attention is paid to such factors of the identification transformation of the mass consciousness of young Russians as a change in the communicative landscape of Russian society, a comprehensive «internetization» of socio-political practices and the cultural and psychological effects associated with it. Among the problems associated with the construction of the national-civic identity of modern Russian youth, a special place is held by the weakness of the cognitive and symbolic foundation of the civic self-identification of young Russians, the dominance of fragmentary, rather than holistic, ideas about Russian history. An equally significant problem is the vague temporal frames of the «image of us», amorphousness and poor cognitive content of the «image of a collective future». In the political consciousness of Russian youth, these images are usually extremely amorphous and often contain depressive elements. At the same time, the lack of an image of a nationwide future enhances the feeling of socio-political deprivation, reduces the motivation for positive political participation and provokes protest moods among young people. The next significant problem of national-civil self-identification of Russian youth is also related to the specifics of «information consumption» in the digital era. It is due to the fact that in the youth environment as a whole, and especially among representatives of the generation «Z», «clip» and «serial» political consciousness predominates, which is based on the unwillingness to perceive cognitively complex constructs and orientation to the emotional component of perception of political reality . It is important to note that the older group of Russian youth – representatives of generation «Y» – is less affected by simulated reality. At the same time, «digital natives» – representatives of the generation «Z» are at the center of the processes of formation of a «virtual» political reality, in which the traditional tools of civil socialization lose their effectiveness
Key words Keywords: national-civic identity; Russian youth; political socialization; generation «Z»; «digital natives»; political consciousness; simulated identities; identity crisis; cognitive foundation of identity; image of the future
Article information Titov V. National-civil identity of the Russian youth: a problem of design in a digital epoch // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2019, vol. 25, no. 8, pp. 81-86
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