Authors Terteshnikova N.. ,
Bernukevich T.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 32.019.5
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2019-25-8-72-80
Article type scientific
Annotation The article is devoted to philosophical discussions on factors of personality in a culture. A number of concepts have reflected ideas about the priority the impact of universal, transcendental or cultural factors, at the same time there was a concept in the context of which patterns of identity formation were visible only to their local characteristics of the regional cultures. However both programs were individually unsustainable, requiring a rethinking of the mechanism of the cultural factors influence on the personality. As a result, it is understood semantically ambiguous: universal and regional nature of the impact of the reality of the culture on the axiological, ethical, and psychological aspects of the human personality. Modern Western researchers propose an integrative consideration of a person’s formation process, from the point of view of which, the identity of a person is a cut of indicators of culture as a regional historical-cultural formation, subordinate in its development of objective universal laws implemented in the subjective perceptions of individuals
Key words Key words: factors of personality; regional culture; cultural space; cultural environment; industrialization; multiculturalism; cultivated people
Article information Terteshnikova N., Zhukova A., Romanova I., Bernyukevich T. Influence of regional social and political culture on personality in philosophical concepts // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2019, vol. 25, no.8, pp.72-80
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