Authors Bernukevich T.. ,
Terteshnikova N.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 32.019.5
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2019-25-7-112-119
Article type scientific
Annotation The article analyzes the research methodology of the regional culture influence on personality. From the point of view of the authors, a successful person is characterized by the presence, language, culture, cognitive culture and spiritual culture. As the article proves, regional culture defines personality as a certain way of seeing and knowing the world. Accordingly, personality formation depends on adequate reflection in human consciousness of the geographical, historical and cultural localization of the community to which he belongs. Regional circumstances as well as factors related to external cultural influence have an impact on the formation of personality. However, the complexity of identity formation processes’ description in the space of regional culture lies in its duality, as it represents both the spatial field of existence and the sphere of self-perception of a person which concerns his subjective, deeply personal experiences. In this context, regional culture is presented as a tool of formation and human development. This term philosophy of culture refers to the result of a conscious cultural evolution formed in each region in order to preserve humanity in the face of rapid social transformations caused by the impact of the global economic, technological and environmental problems of our time. However, it is recognized that while the regional culture is the basis of human evolution, man himself creates and develops the culture of the region.
Key words Key words: cultural space; space culture; culture of the region; regional culture; personality; influence factors of culture
Article information Terteshnikova N., Zhukova A., Romanova I., Bernyukevich T. Formation of personality in the framework of regional political space: methodological aspect // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2019, vol. 25, no.7, pp. 112-119
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