Authors Puzanov A.. doctor of biological sciences, professor, director,
Alekseenko V.. doctor of geol.-mineralogical sciences,
Yurgenson G.A. Doctor of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher,
Shvydkaya N.. сandidate of biological sciences,
Bibliographic description
Category Earth science
DOI 634.948:581.5
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2019-25-5-6-17
Article type scientific
Annotation Geochemical changes in the landscape that occurred as a result of the development of the Sakhalin and Perevalnoye (Krasnodar Territory) mercury sulphide deposits, the pyrite zinc and copper of the Urup (Stavropol Territory), the polymetallic Tekeli (Kazakhstan) and the Savinskoe no. 5 of the polymetallic (Transbaikalia), located in various landscapes – geochemical and climatic zones. Geochemical specialization of soils and technosoils, which has been preserved for decades after the end of mining enterprises, has been established. The tailings, which are occupied by them and adjacent territories, undergo a significant change. The peculiarities of the changes caused by methods of working out deposits of various mineral types are considered. The change in technogenic massifs due to various natural factors is shown. Changes were made to the tailing dump of the Nerchinsk Polymetallic Combine, which was developing polymetallic deposits, related to the breakthrough of the tailings and the removal of technosoils containing toxic concentrations of Zn, Pb, Cd, As, Sb, Bi in the landscape. In the conditions of dry sharply continental climate, aeolian processes take place in the migration of tailings material with its outflow and deposits on the surrounding landscape. In this case, the material of the light fraction and toxicogenic impurities in the grains are predominantly removed. Changes in the geochemical situation are explained by the combined influence of internal and external factors of migration. Physicochemical is predominant. The role of biogenic migration and the involvement of substances in the biological cycle under the influence of the considered technogenesis significantly decreased with a decrease in biomass. These processes continue for more than 50…80 years after the closure of mines. Directly to the mines in these conditions, the water migration of pollutants prevails over the air. In dry-steppe regions with a sharply continental climate, with intense torrential rains, water mechanical migration is developed. The aeolian form of migration is essential. As a result of these processes, toxic concentrations of chemical elements are removed to the natural landscape. The conclusion is drawn that the processes of self-restoration of landscape-geochemical conditions depend on the climatic factors that determine the development of biomass
Key words Key words: technogenesis; ore deposits; telethermal deposits of mercury; copper-zinc pyrite deposits; polymetallic deposits; mining wastes; chemical elements; soils; technosoils; biogeochemical features of territories; aeolian processes
Article information Alekseenko V., Yurgenson G., Shvydskaya N., Puzanov A. Geochemical landscape changes caused by the development of ore deposits // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2019, vol. 25, no. 5, pp.6-17
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