Bibliographic description
Category Economics
DOI 332
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2019-25-4-95-101
Article type scientific
Annotation The authors consider it expedient to consider the definition of salary, as well as a set of factors affecting its formation. The main source of well-being of most people in modern society is asalary, which account for more than half of the income of the population in developed European countries. Studies aimed at studying the labour market, changing the level of salary and its differentiation depending on the territorial distance are the main component in determining the material well-being of Russian society. The article discusses the definition of the category of “salary” from the economic and social points of view, identifies its main components and the remuneration function. The rapid reform of the economy of the Russian Federation over the past few decades has undergone significant changes, so the consideration of the theory and practice of the salary organization in the administrative and command and in market conditions is a very relevant research topic. This is necessary in order to establish the best methods and principles of salary organization in various sectors of the economy. The authors have examined the dynamics of salaries in a planned economy. A comparative characteristic of the socio-economic situation of the regions of the Russian Federation, depending on the size of the average salary, is also given. It is indicated that an important factor affecting salaries is the geographical distance of the regions and degree of human capital formation of its carriers. The trends in the level and structure of salaries of various categories of employees are analyzed. The study has revealed that the main indicators affecting the average salary are the minimum salary and cost of living
Key words Key words: salary; cost of living; human resources; agriculture; human capital; income; minimum monthly wage; state; market economy; planned economy
Article information Kuznetsova I., Shelkovnikov S. Salary as a condition of personnel potential formation in agriculture // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2019, vol. 25, no. 4, pp.95-101
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