Authors Sekisov G.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Earth science
DOI 622.553.
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2018-24-10-40-48
Article type scientific
Annotation The modern actual scientific discipline “Mining resistance of materials” is put forward and initially proved as one of the adjacent components of mining-geological, technical and material sciences. An important role nowadays in the modern scientific basis for the establishment of advanced and reliable technical equipment and mining technology is noted, and in general, an effective development of mineral deposits and in the case of highly skilled training and rational use of scientific, teaching and engineering and technical personnel as well. Its content, as a kind, of the general thermal and scientific categories in the system-complex reflection is given. The object, subject, general purpose and main tasks of this specific scientific discipline are presented. The concept of a new scientific discipline from the standpoint of the scientific and production category and the system complex of the main aspects of its manifestation, including its origin, materiality, quantitative and qualitative features, purpose and some other important features, is revealed and substantiated in a hierarchical volume reflection. The article presents the subject grouping of natural and natural-artificial materials in the sphere of mining and related industries, including engineering, proposed for consideration in the new discipline
Key words Key words: mining technical resistance of materials; scientific discipline; technical means; mining technology; content of discipline; scientific and production category; system complex; aspects; volume reflection
Article information Sekisov G., Gerasimov V. Statement and pilot substantiation of the related scientific discipline “Mining technology” // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2018, vol. 24, no. 10, pp.40-48
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