Article name Influence of unemployment on the quality of human capital in the agriculture of the Russian Federation
Bibliographic description
Category Economics
DOI 331.5
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2018-24-9-117-128
Article type scientific
Annotation It was noted that in the context of modernization and import substitution in the field of the national economy, Russia began to need specialists who own modern equipment and technologies that can take the country\'s economy to a new level. It is shown that the creation of jobs and an increase in employment contributes to economic growth, which is manifested in an increase in the gross domestic product of the country. It is indicated that during the economic crisis of 2014 in Russia, the problem of hidden unemployment, especially in rural areas, worsened. The main forms of unemployment, such as frictional, structural, cyclical, are considered. Statistical data on the number of unemployed and the unemployment rate in the Russian Federation and the Novosibirsk region are analyzed. It was established that by the end of 2015, in sixteen regions of the Russian Federation, the scale of general rural unemployment exceeds the scale registered more than seven times. The reasons for the development of hidden unemployment in village are revealed. Based on the results of the All-Russian Agricultural Census, it was concluded that the number of agricultural organizations, as main employers, in rural areas is declining. The development of personal subsidiary and enlargement of peasant farms do not solve the problem of unemployment. The directions to reduce unemployment in order to improve the efficiency of agricultural production are proposed. It was noted that in order to overcome rural unemployment it is advisable to create villages with a developed social infrastructure, so-called agro-cities or agglomerations based on district centers, and the regulatory role of the state on this issue should be manifested in the ongoing support of balancing economic priorities in programs of economic transformation
Key words Key words: labor market; macroeconomic instability; rural areas; human capital; employment; unemployment rate; hidden unemployment; agricultural organizations; private farms; peasant farms
Article information Kuznetsova I., Shelkovnikov S., Sharavina E. Influence of unemployment on the quality of human capital in the agriculture of the Russian Federation // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2018, vol. 24, no. 9, pp. 117-128
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Full articleInfluence of unemployment on the quality of human capital in the agriculture of the Russian Federation