Article name Institutionalization of public government in political practice of Russia
Authors Tsoy V.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 323.2
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2018-24-9-56-63
Article type scientific
Annotation In the context of the considered problem, the defining purpose of local government, fixed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which consists in direct ensuring mass participation of the population in the solution of national objectives at the municipal level, is stated. The authors discuss the stability degree of public self-government about full value of ordinary citizens’ participation in political process. The authors claim that modern practice of local government of Russia is at the stage of formation and development. The concept \"public self-government\" is revealed. The conclusion is drawn that a prototype of the socio-political of society organization, which characterizes the Russian mentality, are rural and city communities, which at community meetings, Veche carried out public self-government and participated in political processes. The exact coincidence of elements’ characteristics of public self-government with modern idea of political institute is noted. It is established that a bright stage of public self-government institutionalization is the period of Alexander II reforms. The reforms haven\'t abolished the centralized control from public authorities of the power. The authors note that in 1917 house committees, which have got a form of housing and rent cooperative associations subsequently, appeared as a result of cardinal political transformations in all cities of the Soviet Russia. As representatives of public control they provided rational use of the municipal households transferred to the population to hiring from economic organizations of local councils. The present development stage of public self-government is a public self-government on the example of territorial public self-government (TPS). According to the Federal Law \"About the General Principles of Local Government Organization in the Russian Federation\" (No. 131), TSP is one of the forms of citizens’ self-organization at the place of residence. The dynamics of this institute development of imperious relations at the municipal level constantly grows. During different historical periods public self-government was a basis of preservation, development and strengthening of the Russian statehood.
Key words Key words: political institutions; political processes; public self-government; TOC; local government; retrospective analysis; public administration system; local issues; municipality
Article information Bulakh E., Knyazeva A., Tsoy V. Institutionalization of public government in political practice of Russia // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2018, vol. 24, no. 9, pp.56-63
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