Article name The policy of Germany in the field of observing scientific ethics: institutional features (on the example of ombudsmen activity in the field of science)
Authors Firsov O.. candidate of law sciences, associate professor,
Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 37.014+12.91
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2018-24-9-46-55
Article type scientific
Annotation Based on the analysis of the newest original specialized German-speaking sources that have not been translated into Russian before (which allows introducing factual material into Russian science), the authors presented the institutional features of modern German policy in the area of scientific ethics on the example of ombuds-men (interregional and local) in science. The current state of the German experience in dealing with violations of scientific ethics is characterized and its advantages that could be adopted in the conditions of modern Russia are indicated. Through the gen-eral scientific methods of knowledge, traditionally used in the humanities (analysis, synthesis, synthesis and systematization of scientific information and factual material), the authors used comparative legal, comparative historical and formal legal methods, system and structural-functional analysis, methods of expert assessments and ob-servation. Issues relating to the essence of the ombudsman institution introduced in 1999 were considered. The main directions and main principles of activity of the German interregional and local ombudsmen for science are described. Their role in ensuring good scientific practice is noted. It was concluded that the experience of Germany in combating violations of scientific ethics can be adopted in the process of modernizing the national system of training scientific and pedagogical personnel, ac-cording to the changing realities and integration of Russia into the international (pri-marily European) scientific and educational space
Key words Key words: Germany; scientific and educational policy; plagiarism in university environment; scientific plagiarism; struggle against violations of scientific ethics; German research society; institutional control; ombudsmen in the field of sci-ence; statistics; current problems of scientific ethics
Article information Antropov R., Antropova N., Firsov O., Smolich K. The policy of Germany in the field of ob-serving scientific ethics: institutional features (on the example of ombudsmen activity in the field of science) // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2018, vol. 24, no. 9, pp.46-55
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Full articleThe policy of Germany in the field of observing scientific ethics: institutional features (on the example of ombudsmen activity in the field of science)