Article name Air pollution in the city of Kyzyl and the health of population (the republic of Tyva)
Bibliographic description
Category Earth science
DOI 504.05
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2018-24-9-22-28
Article type scientific
Annotation It is noted that the study of human interaction with the environment is one of the urgent problems of geo-ecology. Most of the researchers involved in urban ecology point to the negative consequences of the development of the city, first of all, this impact on the quality of atmospheric air, which inevitably affects all aspects of the life of the population, especially health. It is indicated that the state of health of the population, due to the quality of the environment, has a regional character. An assessment of the state of the atmospheric air of the city of Kyzyl (Republic of Tyva) and its connection with the health of the population of the city is given. By means of comparative, ecological-geochemical and statistical methods, the current ecological state of the atmospheric air of the city has been revealed according to the following indicators: standard index (SI), atmospheric pollution index by a separate impurity (API), maximum repeatability of maximum permissible concentration (MPC). As environmental indicators, emissions of pollutants from stationary sources, including suspended substances, oxides of carbon, nitrogen, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, soot, formaldehyde, benzo (α) pyrene, are considered. The results showed that the ecological state of the air sphere of the city remains unfavorable, moreover, since 2006, a trend has been revealed of increasing the level of air pollution in terms of the IZ5 complex indicator. Excessively elevated concentrations of benzo (α) pyrene (12,1 PDS.s.) and soot in the atmospheric air of the city are observed. The main sources of air pollution in the republic are energy enterprises, industrial and municipal boiler rooms, vehicles, and stove heating. The unfavorable ecological situation is also characterized by increased (exceeding the average republican and average Russian) indicators of the overall incidence of the population of Kyzyl and the incidence of malignant neoplasms. It was concluded that these pathologies may be due to the increased content of substances harmful to the body in the atmospheric air, such as benzo (α) pyrene and soot. It is advisable to conduct a constant analysis of the medical and geo-ecological consequences, which will allow assessing changes in the state of public health under the influence of adverse environmental factors.
Key words Key words: city; atmospheric air; impurity concentration; pollutants; benzopyrene; carbon black; morbidity; neoplasms; Kyzyl; geoecology
Article information Kuzhuget S., Kara-Sal I. Air pollution in the city of Kyzyl and the health of population (the republic of Tyva) // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2018, vol. 24, no. 9, pp.22-28
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Full articleAir pollution in the city of Kyzyl and the health of population (the republic of Tyva)