Article name Energy policy of China and cooperation with Russia in the Arctic
Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 327
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2018-24-8-92-100
Article type scientific
Annotation The energy policy of China is reviewed. It is noted that in recent years, the economic and political activity of many states in the Arctic has increased, including China taking a prominent position. It is indicated that the rapid growth of the economy has led to the fact that China has become the largest consumer, energy producer in the world, as well as a rather ambitious participant in the Arctic region. It is revealed that the importance of energy imports has an impact on China’s foreign policy and makes its energy policy an important priority in Chinese foreign diplomacy. An analysis of the Russian-Chinese energy cooperation is given. The author draws attention to the fact that, without having its own Arctic territory, China is forced to find other ways to ensure access to the resources of the Arctic. It has been suggested that China will act by economic methods, using traditional “soft power” for China, including through concluding bilateral agreements with the Arctic states and joining major energy companies in the region. It is noted that the Russian Federation owns the largest part of the Arctic territory and a large amount of energy resources on the Arctic shelf. It has been established that, against the background of Western sanctions against Russian companies, there has been an active rapprochement of Russian-Chinese ties. According to Chinese researchers, Russia and China have a pragmatic relationship, where both sides are wary of each other’s intentions.
Key words Key words: energy policy; Russia-China cooperation; energy security of China; chinese interests in the Arctic; energy sources of the Arctic; oil; gas; import of hydrocarbons; international energy cooperation; China foreign policy
Article information Cao Jing. ENERGY POLICY OF CHINA AND COOPERATION WITH RUSSIA IN THE ARCTIC // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2018, vol. 24, no. 8, pp.
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Full articleEnergy policy of China and cooperation with Russia in the Arctic