Article name First decrees of soviet government as the basis of the Constitutional legislation
Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 323.2
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2018-24-8-86-91
Article type scientific
Annotation This article is an introductory speech to the opening discussion of the round table “The first decrees of Soviet power: historical and analytical slice”; the purpose of which was to study the texts of the first decrees of Soviet power and tasks and methods of the new government. It was noted that the October Revolution, carried out by the Bolshevik Party, opened a new page in the history of our country: the basic principle of the organization of power has changed; a fundamental revolution took place in the relations between the state and society. In the first months of the Bolsheviks coming to power, a number of legislative acts were adopted, which created the legal basis for the exercise of their power. Before the adoption of the first official Constitution on July 10, 1918, it was the first decrees of the Soviet government that were the basis of our country\'s constitutional legislation. The modern understanding of the events of 1917 that took place in Russia is marked by the polarity of the researchers\' points of view. Despite this situation, it is proposed to form an objective position regarding the first constitutional guidelines of the young Soviet state on the basis of a study of the first decrees of the Soviet government
Key words Key words: Soviet power; state; decree; objective knowledge; history; objective assessment; sovereignty; independence; constitutional foundations; declaration
Article information Merzlyakova I, Kiseleva N. FIRST DECREES OF SOVIET GOVERNMENT AS THE BASIS OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL LEGISLATION // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2018, vol. 24, no. 8, pp.
References 1. Vserossiyskiy siezd Sovetov (All-Russian Congress of Soviets). Available at: (Date of access: 20.07.2018). 2. Deklaratsiya prav narodov Rossii (Declaration of the Rights of the Peoples of Russia). Available at: (Date of access: 12.05.2018). 3. Dekret II Vserossisykogo siezda sovetov ob obrazovanii Rabochego i Kre-styanskogo pravitelstva (Decree of the 2nd All-Russian Congress of Councils on the formation of the Workers’ and Peasant Government). Available at: (Date of access: 15.07.2018). 4. Dekret o zemle (Land Decree). Available at: (Date of access: 10.06.2018). 5. Dekret o mire (Peace Decree). Available at: (Date of access: 15.05.2018). 6. Dekret ob unichtozhenii sosloviy i grazhdanskih chinov (Decree on the destruction of estates and civil officials). Available at: (Date of access: 20.06.2018). 7. Pervye dekrety Sovetskoy vlasti (The first decrees of Soviet power). Available at: (Date of access: 16.06.2018). 8. Pervye dekrety Sovetskoy vlasti (The first decrees of Soviet power). Available at: (Date of access: 21.04.2018). 9. Pervye dekrety Sovetskoy vlasti (The first decrees of Soviet power). Available at: (Date of access: 10.04.2018). 10. Pervye dekrety sovetskoy vlasti i ih rol v formirovanii novogo go-sudarstva (The first decrees of the Soviet government and their role in the formation of the new state). Available at: (Date of access: 15.03.2018).
Full articleFirst decrees of soviet government as the basis of the Constitutional legislation