Article name Petro-magnetic climate indicators in the geological section of the Anui river valley (Predaltaian plain)
Authors Pronina I.. engineer,
Bibliographic description
Category Earth science
DOI 550.384.561
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2018-24-8-39-48
Article type scientific
Annotation The petromagnetic indicators of the climate in the geological section of the valley of the river Anuy (near the village of Petropavlovskoye) are considered. The stratigraphic data, obtained in the study of the section, have made it possible to separate subaerial and subaquatic sequences in it. It is noted that the first corresponds to the upper part of the loess-soil sequence of Western Siberia and includes two pedocomplexes and four horizons of loesses, formed during the late and late Middle Pleistocene. The dynamics of the change in the magnetic characteristics of the section, depending on the climatic conditions of the region, is presented. New data have been obtained on the petromagnetic properties of the deposits. The magnetic susceptibility, frequency-dependent magnetic susceptibility, natural residual magnetization, residual saturation magnetization, ideal magnetization, and the ratios of these parameters have been investigated. A high activity of soil biochemical processes, accompanied by the formation of fine-dispersed superparamagnetic and single-domain magnetic minerals, was recorded during warm and humid periods. It is established that these processes are more sensitive to the humidity of the climate than to the temperature. The results showed that the wind activity in cold dry periods, affecting the amount of coarse-grained material of the magnetic fraction, was relatively small. The obtained detailed results of the petromagnetic analysis have allowed to classify the mechanism of recording the paleoclimatic signal in the magnetic properties of loesses and soils of this section of the Predaltaian plain to the “Chinese” type
Key words Ключевые слова: индикаторы палеоклимата; геологический разрез; петромагнетизм; магнитная восприимчивость; намагниченность; магнитное зерно; лессово-почвенная последовательность; климат; педокомплекс; палеореконструкция
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Full articlePetro-magnetic climate indicators in the geological section of the Anui river valley (Predaltaian plain)