Article name Economic potential of agricultural and environmental tourism in the regions of russia
Bibliographic description
Category Economics
DOI 338; 348; 631
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2018-24-7-109-122
Article type scientific
Annotation The economic potential of agrarian and ecological tourism of the regions of the country is considered. The research topic is related to the development of promising economic activities that are growing rapidly in countries and territories that have a favorable ecology, investment and regulatory framework. Prospective directions of formation of agrarian and ecological tourism of the Tula area are defined. The following research methods were used: system and situational approaches, modeling of socio-economic processes. The analysis of economic potential of the Tula region for development of agrarian and ecological tourism is given. The high level of development of the region and the possibility of forming the types of activities under consideration are identified, which consists of the availability of natural curative and recreational resources; increase of incomes of the population and effective demand, which will positively affect the emerging new types of tourism. It is noted that an important indicator is the growth in the volume of services of hotel and collective accommodation facilities, the number of placed, which corresponds to the positive dynamics of social and economic development of the region. The necessary resources have been identified for the formation of proposals in the field of agrarian and ecological tourism, based on commercial and social efficiency criteria. It is concluded that the existence of state programs for the development of new types of tourism in the Tula region can not be considered sufficient, the program-targeted approach should prevail. Only in this case can we expect a stable growth rate of the types of economic activity in question. The development of ecological parks and involvement of farms should be supported by marketing programs and promotion at all levels of government, with a decisive role assigned to the regional authorities. The combination of natural and resource potential with a confident growth of socio-economic indicators can contribute to enhancing the role of promising types of tourism in the development of urban and rural areas
Key words agricultural tourism; ecological tourism; region; rural area; economic potential; recreational resources; historical objects; museum; state programs; development strategy
Article information Oborin М. Economic potential of agricultural and environmental tourism in the regions of Russia // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2018, vol. 24, no. 7, pp.
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Full articleEconomic potential of agricultural and environmental tourism in the regions of russia