Article name Assessment of the food security state in the region under the conditions of the sanctions economy
Authors Dugina E.. ,
Dugin A.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Economics
DOI 631.145:338.439
DOI 10.21209/2227-­9245-­2018-­24-­102-110
Article type Scientific
Annotation The economic content of the concept “food security” is considered. Internal threats to food security have been identified, in particular, the inconsistency in the volume of production and consumption of basic food products in accordance with rational norms, differentiation of real incomes and a decrease in the standard of living of the population, ineffective use of the agro-food potential of the agro-food complex. It is noted that external threats to food security are related to the development of the processes of globalization of the world economic system, which strengthen the country\'s import dependence. It is shown that, against the backdrop of the sanctions economy, favorable conditions have been created for the implementation of the import substitution program, which is a priority for the development of the agro-food complex. Positive trends in the increase in the volume of production of agricultural and food products are highlighted. This allowed not only to increase the level of self-sufficiency of the population with basic high-quality food products at affordable prices, but also to significantly increase the country\'s export potential. An estimation of the state of food provision for the population of the Republic of Buryatia is given. It is noted that over the past three years there have been some changes in the structure of food production, in particular, the production of pasta has been suspended; the production of meat products, canned food and sausage products has increased; the production of bakery and confectionery products has decreased, which ultimately influenced the structure of consumption of the population region. So, due to the reduction in the production and import of milk and dairy products, fruits, their consumption declined. At the same time, consumption of vegetables and melons has increased, and consumption of bakery products and meat products has decreased slightly. The innovation-investment model of ensuring the food security of the region and the country in the conditions of the sanctions economy is proposed
Key words food independence; import substitution; food security; food security; sanctions economy; food embargo; food products; innovation and investment model; agriculture; evaluation
Article information
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Full articleAssessment of the food security state in the region under the conditions of the sanctions economy